Michelle Courier

Michelle Courier was born in Michigan in 1964. She was raised in Fenton and is now a resident of Bay City, Michigan. Growing up in a family of artists, her artistic expression began at the early age of 12. Michelle attended Delta College and received her A.S.A. in 1985 and graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts in 1987. Michelle’s experience with photography brings sensitivity to light and form. Her strong sense of composition and picture space, combined with a flair for the dramatic, naturally lead her to create striking paintings. Her artistic versatility has led to painting, portraits, florals, landscapes, architectural styles, and many commissioned works. Michelle has worked as an art instructor since 1992, and has won numerous awards for her work. Her paintings have been acquired by many major corporate and private collectors worldwide.

Artist Statement:
To be an artist is to recognize the possibilities of everyday sight and scenes. I intend my paintings to bring an enthusiastic response to the world I see. I am especially attracted by light: reflections, sunbeams, and shadows. The mood of a painting is almost always portrayed by the quality of light. I notice the difference in the light in South Miami, Florida compared to Michigan’s ever-changing seasonal light.

My most recent group of paintings involves my interpretation of the land. I am interested in the strong light and dark contrasts created in the environment. The vertical and horizontal shapes create rhythm and movement of new growth. Forms began to appear as negative or positive shapes. I never lose the recognizable, and want to see patterns evolve from realism in a form of painted tapestry.

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