Julie Dexter

Julie Dexter began her career as a floral designer. Julie worked within the floral industry for over 40 years. Julie has worked as a designer for a variety of flower shops and with designers from around the world. After moving to Ocean Shores, Washington, Julie opened her own floral business called Beach Bouquets. Julie operated her shop until her retirement in 2015.

While enjoying retirement, Julie became fascinated with Native American basketry woven from pine needles. Julie has since embarked on a journey which has become her passion. Julie uses long leaf pine needles from Ponderosa Pine trees, native to Northern California. Julie collects, cleans and sorts the needles for her art, weaving non-traditional designs. Julie adds sea shells, feathers and semi precious stones to enhance her unique creations. Each art creation will contain a small metallic pine cone as Julie’s unique signature.

Julie also displays her artwork at the Gallery of Ocean Shores where she is an active member of the North Beach Artist Guild.

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