Catherine Woskow

Woskow comments on her artistic process, “I am working to develop a higher level of risk and exploration in my work, while continuing to find more depth in and through my art.”
Through the years, she has explored different styles ranging from minimal abstraction to her current paintings of ephemeral figures.
Woskow has exhibited in a number of galleries and is represented in collections in several countries. She studied at Sonoma State University in California, Bradford Liberal Arts College in Massachusetts, and the Koningkijke Akademie of Art in the Netherlands. Woskow was the recipient of the LB Reseatch and Education Foundation Grant in 2006. This funded a reaical shift in her expression. She experimented heavily, merging her earlier figurative work with her minimal abstractions, creating a new body of work unlike anything she had done in the past. It was the fusion between these two bodies of work that have resulted in the series of vertical figures and heads which make up her current work.