Jan Maitland

As a long time Oregon pastel artist, and having worked for years as a fine art painter, I found the artist in me was also attracted to other art forms. I was totally inspired and drawn toward reverse painting and gilding on glass during a visit to master glass artist Marco Toso Borella, in Murano, Italy. Seeing his work on gilded glass and renderings of Gustav Klimt motifs, I knew immediately that I had to explore this exciting medium. I looked for artists working in precious metal leaf, and studied water gilding in San Francisco with renowned gilder, Frances Federer. I found I loved the fine craft of combining painting and gilding on glass.
As an artist and gilder, I employ Verre Eglomisé technique, which is the art of painting and gilding precious metal leaf on the reverse side of the glass. Designs are engraved into the gold or silver leaf and then combined with glass and enamel paints on the back side of my glass bowls, table tops, and décor pieces. I also am gilding stone with gold leaf for my unique and elegant jewelry designs, and have custom commissions for special occasions such as concerts, weddings, anniversaries, and holiday gifts.
I’m honored to have you see my collection of gilded glass reverse painted bowls, table tops, goblets, “wall jewelry” (glass paintings), and gilded volcanic stone jewelry designs, as well as a selection of my landscape and portrait paintings, and giclée prints. I would especially enjoy working with you on a customized piece that suits your own unique style and artistic taste.